The town of Piazza Armerina is a village of medieval origin, is famous for the Roman villa, unesco world heritage for its mosaics, the most extensive and intact.
Thursday, 10 may at 14.00 about will see the passage and Sprint of stage 6 of the tour of Italy. Cyclists will come into town from the South (Gela) and will come out from the North (Enna).
EVENTI SICILIA PIAZZA ARMERINA (From marted́ 25 settembre 2018, never expire)
Thursday, 10 may at 14.00 about will see the passage and Sprint of stage 6 of the tour of Italy. Cyclists will come into town from the South (Gela) and will come out from the North (Enna).
Tour of Italy at Piazza Armerina Enna Sicilia
EVENTI SICILIA PIAZZA ARMERINA (From marted́ 25 settembre 2018, never expire)