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"Invading" the Villa Romana in social networks is an initiative launched by the portal Invasionidigitali.
The Archaeological Park of the Villa Romana del Casale has been joined and has scheduled l '"invasion" of the late antique residence for the day of May 2, at 9:30, giving visitors to the event that will join a guided tour of the site totally free.
EVENTI SICILIA PIAZZA ARMERINA (From sabato 2 maggio 2015, expired 3621 days ago)
The Archaeological Park of the Villa Romana del Casale has been joined and has scheduled l '"invasion" of the late antique residence for the day of May 2, at 9:30, giving visitors to the event that will join a guided tour of the site totally free.
Invade the Roman Villa of Piazza Armerina
EVENTI SICILIA PIAZZA ARMERINA (From sabato 2 maggio 2015, expired 3621 days ago)